Summary Service
Diese Entität enthält die Zusammenfassung über der Arbeitszeit pro Tag.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserProfileDto | User | TimePunch Profile for that the entity contains the daily summary. |
DateTime | Date | Date for that the daily summary has been retrieved. |
DateTime? | LogonTime | Earliest start time |
DateTime? | LogoffTime | Latest end time |
String | Description | Manual descriptions |
Double | EstimatedWorktime | Amount of the estimated working time |
Double | EstimatedPaidtime | Amount of the estimated paid time (this can vary because of the leave payment) |
Double | Worktime | Real logged working time |
Double | Overtime | Overtime |
Double | Sick | Sick time |
Double | SickAsDays | Sick time per day. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day |
Double | TakenOvertime | Taken overtime |
Double | TakenOvertimeAsDays | Taken overtime per day. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day |
Double | PaidLeave | Amount of leave that gets paid to the user |
Double | Leave | Time booked as leave |
Double | LeaveAsDays | Time booked as leave. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day |
Double | Breaktime | Break between working times |
Double | BankHoliday | Time at bank holidays that are relevant for payment on public holidays. |
Double | BankHolidayAsDays | Time at bank holidays per day. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day |
Double | SpecialLeave | Time that is booked as a special leave. |
Double | SpecialLeaveAsDays | Time booked as special leave per day. |
TimeEntryType | Usage | The main time entry usage of the day. Valid values are Worktime, DrivingTime, Leave, Sickness, TakeOvertime, SpecialLeave, OfficialBankHoliday, Weekend, Weekday, MissingWorkday |
Double | PaidSick | Paid sick time, that can differ from real sick time (13 weeks average) |
Double | PaidBankHoliday | Paid bank holiday time, that can differ from real bank holiday time (13 weeks average) |
Double | ShortTimeWork | Short time work of the current workday |
Double | RemoteWork | Remote work time of the current workday |
Double | RemoteWorkAsDays | Remote work time per day . e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day |
Double | MorningSurchargeTime | Surcharged morning shift time of the current workday |
Double | EveningSurchargeTime | surcharged evening shift time of the current workday |
string | ProjectName | Name of the main project of the day |
string | TaskName | Name of the main task of the day |
double | WorktimeAsDays | The worktime as days |
double | DurationAsDays | The duration as days |
double | DrivingTime | The driving time |
Mit Hilfe dieses DTOs können die Rahmenbedingungen zum Berechnen der monatlichen Arbeitszeit gesetzt werden.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | Id | Unique ID of the monthly summary |
DateTime | Date | Date of the month that shall be saved |
WorkContract | WorkContract | Type of work contract for the user. Employee = 0 Freelancer = 1 Wageworker = 2 Shiftworker = 3 |
Double? | PaidTime | The amount of time that the user gets paid, NULL if the amount gets calculated |
CountryDto | Country | The country information used for the holiday calculation. |
RegionDto | Region | The region information used for the holiday calculation. |
OvertimeCutMode | OvertimeCutMode | The cut mode defines if the overtime shall be cut monthly, cumulative or even not cut. |
Double | OvertimeStartsAt | Amount of additional working time that is included in the working contract. Starting at this number, the working time is called overtime. |
Bool | ExceptionForMinus WorkingTimeAccount | True, if there is an exception for overtime starting if the users working time account is negative |
Double | MaximumOvertime | The maximum amount of overtime that a user can have in the OvertimeCutMode range. |
Bool | IsOvertimeAboveLimitPaid | True, if the amount of overtime that exceeds the maximum overtime shall be paid out. |
Double | PaidOvertime | Paid out overtime. Either manually input or calculated. |
Double | DecreasePaidTime | The value will decrease the payout |
Double | MissingHourCompensation | Used to compensate missing overtime. |
MonthlySummaryDto : MonthlySummarySaveDto
Diese Klasse enthält die Zusammenfassung der Arbeitszeitdaten für einen bestimmten Monat.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserProfileDto | User | User profile for that the monthly summary has been created. |
Bool | Locked | True, if the current month has been locked. |
Double | EstimatedWorktime | Defines the estimated working time for the user. |
Double | EstimatedPaidtime | Defines the estimated paid time for the user. |
Double | Worktime | Real logged working time |
Double? | PreviousOvertime | Overtime of the previous month. |
Double? | Overtime | Overtime of the current month. |
Double? | CalculatedOvertime | Gets the originally calculated overtime |
Double? | TakenOvertime | Taken overtime of the current month |
Double? | TotalOvertime | Total overtime at the end of the month. |
Double | Breaktime | Amount of breaktime in the month. |
Double | Drivetime | Amount of driving time in the month. |
Double | Sparetime | Amount of spare time (it’s the time that the user has been taken off – regardless what reason) in the month. |
Double | Leave | Amount of leave in the current month. |
Double | LeaveAsDays | Amount of days that the user has been booked as Leave. |
Double | PaidLeave | Amount of leave that gets paid, this can vary from the leave the user has taken. |
Double | SickComplete | Amount of sick time and sick not paid hours |
Double | SickCompleteAsDays | Amount of sick time and sick not paid days |
Double | Sick | Amount of sick in the current month. |
Double | SickAsDays | Amount of days that the user has been booked as Sickness. |
Double | SickNotPaid | Amount of sick time that is not paid |
Double | SickNotPaidAsDays | Amount of sick days that are not paid |
Double | BankHoliday | Time at bank holidays that are relevant for payment on public holidays. |
Double | BankHolidayAsDays | Time at bank holidays per day. e.g. 1 equals 1 day, 0.5 equals half day |
Double | SpecialLeave | Amount of special leave the user has taken |
Double | SpecialLeaveAsDays | Amount of special leave the user has taken in days |
Double | UnpaidTime | The unpaid time is the difference of the paid time to the regular working time |
Double | PaidSick | Paid sick time, that can differ from real sick time (13 weeks average) |
Double | PaidBankHoliday | Paid bank holiday time, that can differ from real bank holiday time (13 weeks average) |
Double | ShortTimeWork | Number of short-time work hours in month |
Double | NightSurchargeCoreTime | Amount of night surcharged core time in month |
Double | NightSurchargeTime | Amount of night surcharged time in month |
Double | NightSurchargeTimeComplete | Amount of night surcharged complete time in month = core + non core |
Double | SaturdayWorkTime | Amount of saturday worktime in month = Am + Pm |
Double | SundayWorkTime | Amount of sunday worktime in month |
Double | PublicHolidayWorkTime | Amount of public holiday worktime in month |
Double | SaturdayWorkTimeAm | Amount of saturday worktime AM |
Double | SaturdayWorkTimePm | Amount of saturday worktime PM |
Double | CutTime | Amount of cutted time |
Double | RemoteWork | Amount of remote work time |
Double | RemoteWorkAsDays | Amount of remote work days |
Double | MorningSurchargeTime | Amount of surcharged morning shift time |
Double | EveningSurchargeTime | Amount of surcharged evening shift time |
Diese Klasse enthält die Suchparameter für das Finden von Monatsabschlüssen.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserFiltering | UserFiltering | Enumeration that specifies user filter (CurrentUser=0, AllUser=1, SelfDefined=2) |
Guid[] | UserIds | If user filtering is set to self defined, this property specifies the user ids. |
TimeFrameFiltering | TimeFrameFiltering | Enumeration of the time frame to search the monthly summaries (AllEntries=0, UserDefined=1, CurrentMonth=2, CurrentYear=3, PreviousMonth=4, PreviousYear=5, Last3Month=6, Last6Month=7) |
DateTime? | StartReporting | Start date for searching monthly summaries. Will be used if Time frame filter is set to user defined. |
DateTime? | EndReporting | End date for searching monthly summaries. Will be used if time frame filter is set to user defined. |
DateTime? | LastCalculationTime | Searches for summaries that are older than the last calculation time. |
Diese Klasse enthält alle Daten des Monatsabschlusses.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserProfileDto | User | TimePunch User Profile |
DateTime? | LockedUpTo | Date until that the user summary has been closed. |
Diese Klasse enthält zusammenfassende Arbeitszeitdaten zum aktuellen TimePunch Profil.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserProfileDto | User | TimePunch User Profile |
Double | WorktimeInMonth | Work time in the given month |
Double | SickDaysInYear | Number of sick days in the given year |
Double? | TotalOvertimeUntilToday | Amount of overtime in sum until the current day |
Double | PlannedLeaveDaysInYear | Planned leave days in the current year |
Double? | UnplannedLeaveDaysInYear | Number of holidays the user did not planned, within in the current year. |
Double? | AnnualLeaveDays | Number of holidays in the current year. |
TimeCutAnalyse | TimeCutAnalyse | Defines if a time cut did take place, or if it is foreseeable. NoCut = 0, Foreseeable = 1, Cutted = 2 |
WorkContract | WorkContract | Workcontract of the user |
LeaveCalculation | LeaveCalculation | Defines the leave calculation in days or hours |
double | PlannedLeaveInYear | Planned leave hours in the current year |
double? | UnplannedLeaveInYear | Amount of holidays that the user did not planned within the current year |
double? | AnnualLeave | Amount of holidays in the current year |
double? | WeeklyWorkingTime | Amount of the weekly working time in the current week |
Dieses DTO wird dazu genutzt, um die jährliche Urlaubsberechnung anzupassen.
Datatype | Name | Description |
Guid | Id | Unique ID of the yearly summary |
Int | Year | The year for that the summary is valid |
LeaveCarryForward | LeaveCarryForward | Defines the month, when the remaining leave will carried forward to the next year. |
LeaveExpiration | LeaveExpiration | Defines the month, when the previous leave will expire in the current calculation period. |
Double | AnnualLeaveAsDays | The amount of leave days in the given year. |
Double? | AnnualLeave | The amount of leave hours in the given year, NULL if the leave gets calculated in days. |
Double | LeavePerDay | Defines the amount of hours that will be calculated for a taken leave day |
LeaveCalculation | LeaveCalculation | Defines if the leave will be calculated in days or hours Days = 0 Hours = 1 |
YearlySummaryDto : YearlySummarySaveDto
Dieses DTO enthält alle Informationen zur Anzeige des jährlichen Urlaubskontos. Die Klasse ist von YearlySaveSummaryDto abgeleitet.
Datatype | Name | Description |
UserProfileDto | User | The user for which the summary data is loaded. |
DateTime | StartDate | The first date in the calculation period. |
DateTime | LastDate | The last date in the calculation period. |
Bool | Locked | True, if the yearly summary has been locked. That is the case if one month in the calculation period has been locked. So it will be set indirectly. |
DateTime | LeaveExpirationDate | Defines the date when the previous leave will expire. |
Double | LeaveInYear UntilExpiration | Amount of leave hours in the current year until the expiration date. |
Double | LeaveAsDaysInYear UntilExpiration | Amount of leave days in the current year until the expiration date. |
Double | LeaveInYear NewPeriod | Amount of leave hours in the current year after the expiration date. |
Double | LeaveAsDaysInYear NewPeriod | Amount of leave days in the current year after the expiration date. |
Double | LeaveInYear | Amount of leave hours in the current calculation period. |
Double | LeaveAsDaysInYear | Amount of leave days in the current calculation period. |
Double | SickCompleteAsDaysInYear | Amount of sick days in year and sick days not paid in year |
Double | SickNotPaidAsDaysInYear | Amount of days marked as sickness not paid in the current calculation period. |
Double | SickAsDaysInYear | Amount of days marked as sickness in the current calculation period. |
Double? | RemainingLeave UntilExpiration | Amount of remaining leave hours until the expiration date. |
Double | RemainingLeaveAsDays UntilExpiration | Amount of remaining leave days until the expiration date. |
Double? | RemainingLeave NewPriod | Amount of remaining leave hours after the expiration date. |
Double | RemainingLeaveAsDays NewPeriod | Amount of remaining leave days after the expiration date. |
Double? | AdditionalLeave | The additional leave hours of the previous year that will be added to the current annual leave hours. |
Double | AdditionalLeaveAsDays | The additional leave days of the previous year that will be added to the current annual leave days. |
LeaveCalculation | PreviousLeaveCalculation | The leave calculation of the previous year. |
Double | PreviousLeavePerDay | The previous leave hours that defined the length of a leave day. |